I don't have any pictures for this entry and some have commented how they prefer looking at the pictures than reading the drivel. So here is a photograph of a lemon:

I remember waking up and then casually walking over to my homework diary. Next thing I remember is crawling to the corner of my room and gently rocking back and forth in hysterics. This is because I just noticed that I had quite a bit of work to do that I had left inexplicably late. I managed to finish a 4000 word Geography project that I aptly named 'Geography is a Bitch' on my computer.
The amount of work is pretty much the same for most people but it's that moment when you realise that you've still got a lot of it to do that makes your heart sink slightly. It's like when you get into school in the morning and ask somebody in your History class if you had any half term homework. You're whole day rests on their response.
If they say 'yes' then it usually means coming up with an elaborate excuse, impenetrable to the common teacher. My personal favourite is that I sent it to my private email by the school system won't let me access it. Blame the school for your incompetence. No shame.
If they say 'no' then a you're slightly overcome by a sense of relief and your day can swiftly move onward.
Oh, the troubles of school - how I'm sure to miss them in 5 months.
I learnt about water conflicts on the River Nile because I went a bit crazy with the geography project, deciding to do a little extra research that I could mention here. I also learnt that I have to improve my half term work ethic. I genuinely believe that there has been direct correlation between the regularity of my blog entries and the efficiency of my working. During the school term I haven't handed in a single piece of homework in late so far. I think a lot of that has to do with how this simple blogging concept has spurred me on slightly. Well, I certainly like that idea anyway.
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