Here, at my 80th post I can proudly proclaim that I learnt Dreaming of You by The Coral, which is one of my favourite songs. Oh, what a glorious day!
Thank God I have started to get to a stage whereby I can learn some songs that I know and really like. I really regret not starting to learn years ago.
Once more I have little to write. A photo for those who read:

A few quick things:
"Anonymous said...
I love your blog. Keep it up. It's inspiring and you will look back on it when you are much older and learn about the 17/18 year old you.
I feel I have got to know you so much better through it.
- I only found this comment a week ago and asked the half dozen people I know who occasionally read this blog if it was them. None of them wrote it. So I have no idea. Thank you to whoever you are because it really made me feel great. I would love it if you'd reveal yourself so I could say cheers properly!
Plus I put a "did you know?" thingy at the bottom of the page. Some of the stuff there is quite interesting and is along the lines of the idea of this blog. Enjoy...or try to...
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