When I was around 13 I used to do card tricks and other 'magic'. In fact my parents must have spent around £200 on stuff for me to do with my 'magic'. So I dug up loads of my old books and tricks and started practising. I actually really enjoyed it and forgot how priceless it can be to make somebody gasp in amazement and how amusing it is that the trick you've just performed is so shockingly simple.
Later I went out for lunch with my Mum. No, I’m not embarrassed to say it, as it was really quite nice and I enjoyed it. Sometimes it’s good to go out to lunch with your Mum, even if she still tries to order for you - ‘Samuel, you can have a beer if you want?’
Soon after I went to the gym for a massively epic workout. I spent 2.30hrs in the gym and came home feeling shattered yet rejuvenated - that strange limbo-like feeling of exercise. I then went to the pub (again) and played Whist with the guys (again). Jonny nabbed me to it right at the end. The Bast.
Afterwards I decided to go to Primrose Hill. I was worried it might be a little dangerous but it was filled with people and really is a great location with a humbling view of London. Some people nearby were playing guitar and the atmosphere was just really friendly and relaxing.

Currently I'm at Simon's house with 5 others who are all downstairs in his kitchen eating KFC.

Today I learnt 3 new card tricks. I learnt that going out for lunch with your Mum once in a while is something I should do more and that Primrose Hill on a warm summers evening is a great place to be. I also learnt about a few other things but I'm currently sitting upstairs in Simon's house away from everyone and should stop writing now.
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