My plans to go the gym were pleasantly disrupted by a phone call from two mates who were near by. Soon another joined us and eventually we went to Golders Hill Park, where we were joined by even more.

We stayed at the park for hours until it was 7pm when some came back to mine to sit outside, chat and play Table Tennis.
Preparation for my evening began as soon as they left and I arrived at the party at nearly 9 o'clock. Soon a lot of people were drunk, including most of my friends there. I wasn't drinking but I didn't feel left out...more of a sense of detachment because they were in a world of their own. This being the infamous drunken fantasy land whereby you're convinced that you actually can dance, not really embarrassing yourself (as you're being so god dam funny) and definitely not going to throw up if you have some more Smirnoff. The only place were these things make sense is in Drunken Fantasy Land.
The more I choose to stay sober at parties the more I begin to get put off drinking. At 11pm I decided I wanted to leave.

I'd basically had enough and was pondering whether I was in the mood to be out at all. So I asked Josh if he wanted to go to the pub. We did and it was easily the nicest part of my evening. The party itself was never bad or anything like that it's just that I didn't feel like I was in the right mindset for it tonight.
Anyway, onto discussing what I learnt. Today I learnt another card trick (which I'm not very good at sadly). I learnt that sometimes it can be great to hang out with a crowd you normally wouldn't mix with, especially in a sunny park. I learnt a little about the views of Robert Nozick, a political thinker (not that would interest anyone aside from me). Most importantly is that, after going to the pub with Josh, I really began to understand how invaluable it is to be able to discuss things in depth with somebody who's not only going through something similar to you but is somebody who you can trust to listen. I apologise about how ambiguous that is but the point remains.
NOICE. i'm following your blog now so i expect to be filled in on the gossip through this when i'm back. SEE YOU IN TEN DAYSSSS! XX