Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself

Edit: I've noticed this post comes across incredibly badly. Sophie's comment (at the bottom) is completely correct. Who the fuck am I to tell people when to be happy or sad or that they are wrong to be unhappy? I aimed this post at the person who made the "I'm a..." comment and should have been more aware of the fact people will interpret it differently. I had this ridiculous idea that it would speak to people but that was ludicrously optimistic.
I come across as hopelessly arrogant and unpleasant and I don't want people to think I'm trying to speak from a pedestal. Of course it’s always ok to be sad or estatic whenever anyone wants to be. Hell, I was fucking crushed about something recently myself. I regret writing this post. Rereading it, I come across as a total dickhead and make a big deal out of nothing. I apologise to anyone else who this pissed off.

Anyway, I don't want to delete a post so here's a few paragraphs of me speaking out of my ass. I'd advise skipping it though.

"I'm a miserable person"

What a pointless statement for somebody to make. Why is it so many people mope around saying stuff like that?
What good does it do when you make your own self pity the basis of your entire existence? The girl/guy at the party who gets drunk and then goes off in the corner and gets upset about how rubbish they are. Wake up. You live once and once only. Stop drowning out the time you have by convincing yourself that you're miserable.

I'm not a guru or somebody who thinks he can screw somebody's head on properly just because I write an essentially pointless blog but I am a person who reckons that being happy is more important than anything else that anyone can possibly fathom. The mental block that people encounter when they come to the conclusion that 'oh shit, I'm unhappy' is the most self destructive thing known to human kind. Fuck the Atom Bomb. We didn't 'invent' that redundant nuance of depressive acceptance that keeps any positive thoughts tucked away somewhere in your head.

Sometimes I just want to shake people and tell them to stop being a fool. Of course, some people actually do have a condition. Manic depression, insomnia. These people cannot help it. It's those who are perfectly fine and have the potential to be happy right in front of them that really gets on my nuts.

Yes, I know that people have to go through some horrible, horrible things in life and yes, I know that sometimes it's things out of your control that cause you to be unhappy but for Gods sake - if you've not been through anything like that then get off your fat, stinking (presumably hairy) ass and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Anyway. Rant aside.

I worked in a Litigation Law Firm today. My first of three days. I learnt about Italian judicial proceedings (don't die of excitement) and how staying out late the night before work is NOT a good idea EVER....except tomorrow for results night. FUCK. Results!
I learnt that instead of listening to people casually mention that they're unhappy I should stamp down on them. It's just not worth having somebody you know acknowledge their unhappiness without anyone trying to snap them out of it.

1 comment:

  1. i tried to comment this but it didn't work. the general gist is, you can't be happy all the time and it's ok to be unhappy sometimes. but lucky you if you're superhuman x
