Usually I wouldn't dare to do anything like that - not knowing who was playing (a huge amount of my friends are away on taking camps), not knowing how long I would be there for or what I should bring with etc etc. I just went because I liked the sound of it and made a decision without thinking about it too much, which is really unlike me.
Turned out it was a friends older brothers' football team made up mostly of university students. We did circuit training, attack vs. defence and shooting practise among other things. It ended up with them offering me a place on their team.
The team is in the men’s Jewish leagues and the last time I joined a team was around 5 years ago and I left almost 3 years ago because of GCSE's but I've always missed playing. So I thought 'why the hell not?' and said I would join. Its a men’s Jewish league so I doubt we'll encounter Dad's who tell the ref to 'leave my darling Moshe alone' or Mums who tell them 'not to get too muddy'. Yet somehow I think we'll end up playing teams that look like this:

I had no plans for the rest of the day until I heard my friend (the one who asked me to come to the practise in the morning) say he was thinking about going to the Emirates Cup to watch Arsenal vs. Rangers. It occurred to me that sounded like a fun idea and we arranged to go.
I enjoyed it even though I'm a Spurs fan. It felt like I was letting down my family heritage of avidly supported my beloved Tottenham Hotspur but I just figured that I wanted to watch some football while I was still in the mood. I hate to admit it but Arsenal do play some bloody good football and that Jack Wilshere is going to be awesome.

He's younger than I am and scored two goals! Unbelievable.
Today I learnt that it’s good to just start your day as soon as you wake up. I’m starting to believe that lie-in's are overrated. They just waste your day completely and even though they can be nice it’s not worth uselessly burning time in a life we only get one shot at. If I had one this morning and stayed in bed till 11-12 like I usually do during the summer I wouldn't have had the chance to play football, been offered a place in that team or gone to the Emirates. I had another nice day with another positive outcome, similarly to last night, where I've just done something off the cuff. Its not like I have joined the Space Program on impulse or enlisted into the Marines but its better than what I normally do which usually entails me being up-tight and putting far to much thought into decisions that don't require it. So I hope these last two days have been trend setters.
That was the most inspirational post I have ever written! Thanks