Sunday, 20 September 2009

Cry for Help

Missed last night because I stayed at a friend's.

Family came round for dinner and my Grandpa came with. I never pictured myself having to help my him walk down the stairs. It's a very odd feeling. On the upside he couldn't stand about a week and a half ago.
You realise how great something is when you're close to losing it. It puts everYthing into perspective.

Later I went to a birthday party. The theme was 'services' so I went as the Secret Service - an excuse to wear a suit and look 'dapper'. Sadly, most people turned up in casual clothes and claimed to be 'undercover police'. Fortunately I looked fly so didn't really care.
Next came a long walk to another house party because the buses, after having caught sight of a dozen teenagers decided to drive off. I can't really blame them.

In general yesterday was one of the funniest experiences I've had.

Anyway. Yesterday I learnt how to play Imagine on guitar, albeit badly. I learnt how to enjoy it when my family come round all at once and that even if my friends can be incredible embarrassing sometimes I wouldn't trade them. Except maybe for an Xbox...always wanted one of those.

Today had a similar pattern to it. After coming back from a family lunch my Dad and I watched Spurs get thumped by Chelsea. Oh, the stick I'll get at school tomorrow. Can't wait.

I learnt about 'The Pioneers'. This was a children's movement in the USSR to indoctrinate young children. There's an entire chapter on it in The Whisperers. I learnt that I need a coherent homework timetable for each evening if I'm ever going to get all my work done.
Most importantly though I came to realise that this blog is slowly going downhill. I'm losing my enthusiasm for it. People have stopped mentioning that they read it to me. So I suppose this is a cry for help. If you're reading this then give me some ideas about what I could learn? Or perhaps a good topic to base a post upon - in the style of my first ever posts...I'm worried I'll soon start writing here out of self-imposed obligation rather than because I truly want to!

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