In fact it felt so summery today that I was enticed into taking this photo:
I really don't have anything of value to write today (not that I really ever do) because school just seems to dominate everything. My plan is to try and write a couple of 'in-depth' posts per week where I write a proper article or something because I'm just so god damn intellectual...and am running out of other ideas.
With that said, I want to keep this interesting as so far I've posted over 30 times and it's still going strong.
Even though I foresaw how difficult it will be to follow this idea whilst I'm at school I didn't anticipate it being this hard! So in order to fix this 'problem' I intend to spend more free periods at school doing homework so I have more time at home to try and learn something new. That's definitely easier said then done because we just figured out how to beat the school firewall on the computers...
Writing this blog has really opened my eyes as to how consuming school is and if I want my last year to stand out from the others then I'm going to act on it! Maybe Maybe I'll happy slap a teacher or moon the headmaster during assembly? Expulsion would certainly make this year different...
Today I learnt how to play 'Ain't No Sunshine' on guitar which is sadly all I learnt aside from schoolwork.
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