Monday, 28 September 2009

The Whole Jewish Thing

I fasted today for Yom Kipur.
Kind of.
I may have had a few cheddar strips...some bread...and an ice cream...but apart form that I DEFINITELY fasted.
It's the first year I haven't properly gone through with it in quite some time. It used to be parentally forced upon me or at least heavily encouraged but as I reach my 18th birthday I keep noticing how much more independence my parents are giving me. That's saying a lot seeing as I'm one of the few people I know who still has a curfew and isn't allowed into the kitchen when I get home in case I 'wake the dog'.
That's my dog, Indie. She looks cute but is probably possessed by the doggy devil.

Today for instance on the way to synagogue I announced that I was only going to stay for 45 minutes and then walk home. That's what I did, without any protest or further discussion. It took 45 minutes to walk home and it went incredibly quickly. I really like long walks. It's as if you go into some sort of trance in which your thoughts and surroundings battle for your attention.
I learnt that I really must be growing up if even my parents are beginning to treat me more like an adult (with that said my Mum did attempt to rearrange my sock draw today). The whole Jewish thing usually acts as an impenetrable wall to anything I may or may not want to do but even that's starting to erode now.

I learnt I can't stand it when somebody calls me 'Sammy'. It makes me feel about four years old and I HATED being four.

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