I'm getting up at 6.15am and missing school tomorrow to go to an open day at Nottingham University. Look at how nice it looks!

The rugby team for Saturday's first game goes up tomorrow and I'm not going to be there to read it nor am I going to be at school for training. Never before have I been nervous about hearing news regarding my position in the rugby team. I suppose that’s a good sign though! Stupidly I forgot to tell my coach about my trip to Nottingham. I hope that doesn't get me dropped...

The teacher writing my reference held a meeting with me today and bollocked the shit out of me for not having made enough progress regarding my UCAS application and personal statement. She is a terrifying woman and I was suitably terrified. So this evening I rewrote the whole thing and emailed it to her as well as all but finishing the application. I had to miss having lunch out of school due to a UCAS session during lunch break which I had to go to and that annoyed me because I was looking forward getting a meal in Hampstead. I suppose it shouldn't annoy me at all - I need to get my priorities sorted!
Although applying is going to be hectic, I really don't see why I couldn't get into Oxford and from now on I'm going to make a real effort to make it happen. If it doesn't work out then so be it but there isn't any harm in trying.
Either way the prospect of University is currently more appealing than it ever has been. I can't wait to get started and all this talk about possible universities makes me more excited. My Dad has always encouraged me to 'get as far away from home as possible' but location has never really been an issue for me. His advice isn't due to him wanting to get rid of me (I don't think it is anyway) it's more to do with the notion of having to fend for yourself and learn to live in the 'real world' like he had to do. Also his mother is a nutter and he's still scared of her but for some reason he never mentioned that...
Today I learnt that my somewhat lackadaisical attitude of 'it'll all sort itself out' has got to stop if I'm ever going to get into Oxford.
I learnt that school rugby, however unimportant or mundane, means a lot more to me than I realised.
I learnt how to play 'Knockin' on Heaven's Door' on guitar.
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