My English teacher proposed (not to me...that would be awkward) that school is about getting good grades and nothing more. I remember arguing that school is about what you want it to be and there is no reason that it can't be about making lasting friendships, gaining confidence or simply having fun as well as about achieving respectable results. I was honestly disappointed that my teacher took the view she did. I had more faith. It can be immensely disappointing when somebody who you hold in high esteem takes, what I'd call, a hugely pessimistic view of something. From this I learnt that if I truly believe my side of the argument I'm going to have to use the last seven months I have left of school to prove it.
In the evening I learnt Peggy Sue by Buddy Holly.
7th October
I cannot remember the last time I've had to almost drag myself off the rugby field after a training session. We have this backs coach come in each Wednesday and at the end he usually makes us do some fitness. Fortunately for me I didn't have a McChicken Sandwhich and 20 McNuggets beforehand on this occasion...
Aside from having to dart around like crazy (most the session was spent on wingers' moves - I'm a winger) we then did around 12 minutes of non stop running. Even one of the most determined and physically fit players found it hard which speaks leagues as to how tough it was. I remember thinking that I wasn't going to be able to finish. It's hard to find that bit extra especially when you're low on confidence. I wanted to prove to the coaches, who were less than complementary towards my performance in training, that I could finish it. I learnt that I get more of a drive from people not having faith in me as opposed to when they do. A strange lesson.
After the session I spent around an hour finally writing some lyrics again and it was great. I keep them in a Moleskin that I now carry with me everywhere. I wrote a song as well that I'm quite happy with. I learnt that another way to escape is to write in that little book.
I learnt how to set up a LAN connection at school as we now have HALO on the PCs - the most awesome development at my school since Roger Bannister opened the sports centre.

I learnt about water conflicts in the Middle East concerning Palestine and Israel but I think it's safer to keep my opinions to myself on that one.
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