Although deadly boring to most, yesterday I learnt about the Battle of Kursk and Stalingrad via the almighty medium of YouTube. Unfortunately, I'm unable to find anybody who's interested in discussion regarding any of the 'dull' history information I enjoy learning about. The search continues...
5th October
Everyone has those days where everything seems to go slightly wrong some way or another and today it was my turn. Nothing major was out of sorts - just little annoying things.
For instance I realised I accidentally saved over a file on my USB memory stick and had to walk home and re upload the file for school. As soon as I left school gates thinking 'it could be worse' it started to rain! Then, after having to redo the piece of homework at home (as it turned out I saved over it by mistake) I was fifteen minutes late for my lesson.
Other things such as somehow losing loose change and forgetting to go to a politics meeting were also humorously frustrating. I reckon if a camera followed me around for a day a TV audience would revel in the level of annoyance emitted on my part over menial and unimportant things. Interestingly, I have a friend who says I can be like Basil Fawlty.

I don't abuse short Spanish waiters or do funny walks (not usually anyway) but it's easy to see what she means!
Amusingly, on the way home from redoing my work, a car splashed me by driving in a puddle and I swear I heard the driver shout "puddle wanker!". I can't be angry at him or at that part of my day. That was pure genius and in my new found wetness I chuckled. Today I learnt that although sometimes it feels that there is someone out to get you by slyly annoying you to death, it's easier to just laugh it off than get worked up.
On a totally separate note I learnt about The Diggers during the English Civil War after spending about 45 minutes researching them. Totally irrelevant to the above section but I did learn something factual as well.
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