Hardy hardy hoo.
Over the last weekend I went to Dublin. The highlight of this trip can be illustrated via the following photos:
I learnt many things. Here is a list of these things:
• Guinness is older than the US (1759)
• It set up the Guinness Book of Records for pub quizzes
• In Ireland if someone says to you ‘I'm here for the crack (hard hardy hoo)” they are implying they are at said location for a good time (craic is an Irish word). They are NOT talking about drugs…probably not.
• The people in Ireland are far nicer than those in England. The people we came across were all very friendly, laid back and funny.
• After 10 pints of purest Guinness, 2 glasses of champagne and a couple glasses of wine I find it hard to walk. That is waaaay over my ‘limit’. I learnt this the hard, yet slightly amusing, way. Additionally, I fell asleep whilst taking a piss which of course begs the question; If one falls asleep taking a piss, does that count as having pissed yourself? – A question that has been puzzling scientists for endless time. Needless to say I was only asleep for what must have been a few seconds. In conclusion; no, no it does not.
• Kalimantan Jail housed many of those involved in the Easter Rising of 1916 which the Irish seemed to hold extremely dearly. Learnt loads about other uprisings too including the one in 1803. Its leader Robert Emmet actually met with Napoleon who told him his invasion plans of England so the revolt could coincide with it.
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