Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Caterpillar Cake

Eighteen. Fucking hell.
Nothing changed when I woke up this morning. My mum still screamed "Samuel get up you're going to be late!!" down the stairs and I still showered in a zombie-like state. Now I can vote and drink legally. In fact my sister got me a pint glass!
Going to school on your birthday is really quite pleasant as the first thing most people say to you is accompanied with a friendly smile. Maybe we should all just smile more?

Watch this if you agree and or have 16 minutes to burn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbk980jV7Ao

I took in a Caterpillar cake to school for my politics class to dig into which was received well by everyone. I learnt that you can't cut a Caterpillar cake with a plastic knife...
Then in my next class a friend of mine had actually gone and bought a cake for me. I was genuinely touched that he'd bothered to do that. Even if it was just an excuse to eat some chocolate cake during Geography the gesture remains. So i was in a very good mood by the evening.
Steve Merchant will be a fucking massive stand up comedian. My family took me to see him at the Finchley Art Depot - a place I didn't even know existed until today.
On clambered 6ft '7 Steve right in front of us in the studio room of around 80 people. It was very intimate. Absolutely hysterical. Highly intelligent and enjoyable. A brilliant evening. The previous few sentences resemble extracted quotes from newspaper reviews. Perhaps they might as well be because that's what the papers will be saying! I would give my left bollock (I prefer the right one) to be a stand-up comedian.

Today I learnt that I don't need to wait till a certain day to feel as if people care. There are so many people that sent me nice texts or messages today. I'm far happier than I thought I was.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog. Keep it up. It's inspiring and you will look back on it when you are much older and learn about the 17/18 year old you.
    I feel I have got to know you so much better through it.
